Good beginnings are hard to find. Some of these will be good, some bad and some stinkers. The exercise is to see how many of each I can come up with when they pop into my head. Well, hopefully they'll all be good or okay, but in any case, its to get me focused on doing something. Can they be a launchpad for something bigger?

Friday, April 15, 2005


I often wonder that, when I look back on my life, I will have achieved nothing. It is strange I know, but I'm nearly 30 and as yet I cannot think of one single thing in my past which would make interesting reading to anyone - should I become a writer I suppose.

My autobiography would be small. I wouldn't even be able to accept the advance I'd feel so guilty.

I suppose apart from the robbery. Oh, and that one time when I kidnapped the mayor's daughter. Well, kidnapped is probably too strong a word. It was her idea as daddy hadn't given her the ferrari she had been after or some such nonsense. Of course, when he didn't pay up, we had to send him a finger and while she wasn't all that keen on that part of the plan, she did give in eventually. Under duress and the threat of ether of course. I wonder if I shouldn't have used the ether even though she said she would comply. Had to be safe of course; how could I believe someone who had come up with such a devious scheme in the first place?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Rivers of voilence sweeping her away, a tide of hate and anger forcing her hand. To her left, the one who tried to get her bag; long dark hair easy to grab and pull, spinning her out of the way and into the wall. Before her, the boy with knife at the ready; grimacing with a roar ready to scream from his throat. A kick to his groin so obvious, so easy, so effective. He's down. To her right, a timid accomplice whose bravado is building as she watched her friend's face smash into brick and the one she covets bent double and coughing out profanities. The chance of flight gone, she sees the knife and grabs for it but the victim's stiletto heel is swiftly buried deeply into her hand. No chance to scream as the other leg comes up and around, catching her on the chin and mouth.

The sickening crack and a shower of spit.

The first is trying to stand, wobbling with one hand on the wall and the other desperately trying to keep her face together as blood flies down through her fingers. She won't cause any more problems, but just in case, it wouldn't hurt to use the...

Knife in her side. Didn't watch him, the little shit. He was up and around before she knew it, stabbing first, then twisting and finally slashing. So much pain and damage from something so small and someone so insignificant. The tearing doesn't bother her, all the pain is rolled into one and even that is numb compared to stupidity she feels. It was an amateurish mistake, one that she would never have made if her mind hadn't been occupied with other things; flashes of earlier that week when her life began its slow unravelling.

When he told her he would never leave....

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

In the beginning....

In the beginning there was the word. Several in fact. They decided to get together after finding life was harsh and lonely in their worlds of isolation. People would point and stare, but that was probably because People was a plural word. It had never tasted the bitter pain of life as an outcast; as one who could not converse with others and seemed doomed to a life of solitude.

It began with A, for he was the smallest and therefore the most insignificant. On the plus side he had height, sharp points and great angularity. And because he was composed of just one letter, he had more freedom than the others. During the endless hours alone he had managed to shrink himself to a lower case and as such a could talk to the others - bring them onside without giving the game away too early.

He started with Upon, as she was perhaps the least popular word in the vicinity. Most put that down to a sense of aloofness which she seemed to exude, but she preferred to think it was because she started with a U, like Unique.

Time was the toughest of the three to convince, but when Once was on side thanks to the flirtatiousness of Upon, it was a piece of cake. Their shared es being the glue that bonded them to each other.

And as they posed for the photograph that would demonstrate their new found unity, People stared at them. And People felt envy.

Focus. Click. Snap. Cheese.

Once Upon A Time.